Channel the Yoda

Saturday, April 21, 2012


It has a vibe. A low hum to it's nature.
A beating heart. An honest truth.

Which feels... And is felt

By those who find, Step foot

Hit the cobblestones

Of a city, With an air

Full of grit and grind.

As we walked,

Crossed paths with others

A reality of  true kind.

Conversations, moments of

Laughter, life and loss

float, push and melt

Til I'm lost in senses...

Starbucks and Trains.

A lady full of Belfast ways and sways

Strangely enough

Shared my birthday.

Jess from Australia

Is in love with Pat.

Yep I wrote it in the blog,

If she reads this,

(Though she doesn't know me.)

She may not appreciate that.

Watched odd French television shows

(Men in pink wigs holding paper fire.)

With Bijou the Miniature Boxer.

(Who I greatly admired.)

A bar down the street

We scrounge for the pounds

(Damn Euro.)

For another round.

Crying myself awake.

No shame to that

It was my choice

To open that certain floodgate.

Whiskey man's snores

And smelling the booze

(Suffucated the room.)

Seeping from his pores.

A shower at 2 am.

And bam!

Time to depart. Cause it's 6 am.

What I say is, Belfast

A beautiful, real spine

Backbone to yourself

You are on my mind.